Selasa, 29 November 2011

Ketika Saya Nulis Puisi

Q: What will you do to kill the time?
A: Writing !! :D (only if I get the mood)
     Writing short stories, poetry, or novel (it is the hardest one) is a tool to share what's on my mind. However, writing poetry can be releasing if I am too chaotic with everything. So these are three of poems I wrote recently. I know they are kind of trash and need so much feedback but I hope they will be inspiring :p

Senin, 21 November 2011

Antara Aku dan Taekwondo

Kami kami kami kami
Kami patriot, kami patriot
Kami ini patriot olahraga
Mengabdi berkarya untuk nusa bangsa
Dalam meraih cita-cita

Kami patriot, kami patriot
Kami ini patriot olahraga
Gigih berjuang di medan laga
Berbakti untuk Indonesia
Kesetiaan adalah kebanggaanku
Disiplin satu-satunya nafasku
Demi jayanya sang merah putih
Kehormatan adalah segalanya

Gemertak tulang mendidih darahku
Semangat berapi membakar batinku
Tuhan adalah kekuatanku
Setiap kuhadapi lawanku

Kami patriot, kami patriot
Kami ini patiot olahraga
Biar mata dunia memandang Indonesia
Kita dasyat dan perkasa
Biar mata dunia memandang Indonesia
Kita dasyat dan perkasa
Kami patriot !!

(mars patriot olahraga, by Melky Goeslaw)
ini iramanya, bisi ada yang mau karokean..manggaaa 

                Bergetar ga sih hati kalian pas ngedenger lagu itu? Berasa masa depan negara berada di tangan kita gitu..hhe *lebeh

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Welcome November

"Kamu Garing, Bohong, Bullshit.'' (someone from the deepest place of my heart, 2011)

Those broke my heart for couple days
As if it got me drop my  digestion organs
and realized that love is not about
flowers, blue sky, and  sunshine
Love equals slavery
Then i'd also known 
that you were the only one 
who made love seems beautiful
You are the one
who controls my thought about affection