mangga dijadikan bahan referansi buat kalian-kalian yang lagi bingung gimana cara bikin surat kayak beginian.Mudah-mudahan bermangpaat yak

May 20, 2010
Mr. Jacob Black
Kitchen Corner
147 Pasteur Street
Bandung 40173
Dear Sir,
The complaint letter that you sent had been received on Wednesday, 19th of May 2010. We have investigated the distribution service about the delayed order of two dozen poultry shears that you did on March 7, 2010. Since we were reported their clarification, we notify you that it was due to a strike of local truckers.
Since the consignment cannot be kept on hand indefinitely, we hereby serve you the 15% discount that if delivery is not effective in 7 days from the date you received this letter.
If we can be of further assistance, please file your query through our customer service at the telephone number noted on your billing statement. We are sorry for this uncomfortable service.
Yours faithfully,
Alfiani Safitri
Marketing Manager
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